More info
Animal Repellent Concentrate deters cats and dogs from fouling whilst also prevents various wildl
For use around the garden in planted areas to deter cats and dogs from digging and fouling amongs
Protecting your garden from cats, dogs, bird, rabbits and other animals, Cat-a-pult is a powerful
The special formulation is designed to keep the lawn free from dying grass patches caused by pet
Silent Roar is a gardeners best friend!
The mega sonic solar cat repeller deters cats from fouling on lawns & gardens.
This ready to use cat scatter spray with natural action is a useful training aid to reduce foulin
Deter cats from fouling on your flower beds and grass with this mega-sonic cat repeller.
Repel cats and dogs from your grass and flower beds with these Get Off scatter crystals.
Pepper Dust is the natural protection solution for your garden.
Biodegradable granules coated with castor oil as an effective Natural Active ingredient
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm
Sunday 9:30am to 1:30pm
Tel: 02380 891208