Aubrietia: The species are found on rocks, screes and in coniferous woodland.
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Bright, bold colours on plants which do not succumb to 'rust' disease.
Bold and very beautiful, stunning short-spurred, double, brightly coloured blooms.
Large, incurved, chrysanthemum-like heads in strong colours are the hallmark of this upright, str
Plants become smothered in small fragrant blooms. Easy to grow and long lasting.
A lovely mix of some of our best known annual garden plants.
Extra-large single heads and lovely, delicate ferny foliage. Good border and cut flower.
The rather special petals fold to form delightful shell-like flutes around the yellow centre.
Dwarf, single flowers create a rich and vivid display of colour throughout the summer in shades o
A lovely blend of double flowers on tall stems. Ideal for borders and cutting.
The nectar-rich flowers of this charming, low-growing Polka Dot seed mixture will be sought by bu
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm
Sunday 9:30am to 1:30pm
Tel: 02380 891208