Wildflower Wildlife Mixture

£4.39 inc VAT
10 g
In stock

Product description

Specially selected mix of attractive and rewarding wildflowers. A great source of food and habitat for wildlife. This seed mix contains 100% native British Produced Wild Flower seeds, including a selection of the varieties listed below:

Bird's Foot Trefoil, Common - Lotus corniculatus Buttercup, Meadow -Ranunculus acris Campion, Red - Silene dioica Campion, White - Silene latifolia Clary, Wild - Salvia verbenaca Clover, Red (wild form) - Trifolium pratense Daisy, Oxeye - Leucanthemum vulgare Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale Evening Primrose, Common or Large Flowered - Oenothera biennis/Oenothera erythrosepala Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea Knapweed, Common - Centaurea nigra Mallow, Musk - Malva moschata Marjoram, Wild - Origanum vulgare Medick, Black - Medicago lupulina Melilot, Yellow - Melilotus officinalis Mullein, Great - Verbascum thapsus Mustard, Garlic - Alliaria petiolata Plantain, Ribwort - Plantago lanceolata Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi Scabious, Devil's Bit - Succisa pratensis Scabious, Field - Knautia arvensis Selfheal - Prunella vulgaris Teasel - Dipsacus fullonum ssp. Sylvestris Viper's Bugloss - Echium vulgare Yarrow - Achillea millefolium

*Please note, Mr Fothergill cannot guarantee all varieties will be included in each individual packet.

Wildflower Wildlife Mixture Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants. 1g seeds. Attracts wildlife into garden.