Evergreen Autumn 360M + 10% Extra

£25.00 inc VAT
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Product description

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Autumn Lawn Care helps to protect your lawn from harsh winter weather, giving your lawn a good start next spring! While killing moss, it toughens the grass to help it withstand harsh winter weather and strengthens the roots.

Use September to November.

For use on lawns.

Apply at a maximum individual dose of 35g per square metre (1oz per square yard).

Miracle-Gro EverGreen Autumn Lawn Care can be used around trees in the lawn, but avoid contact with the foliage. It can be applied where bulbs are growing in the lawn, provided it is applied after all the bulb foliage has died down naturally.

NPK fertilizer ratio 6-5-10. (Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium)

Contains iron sulphate.

Cautions Only apply to new lawns once the lawn is established (usually 3 months). Maximum 2 treatments per year.

Apply this product very carefully as it will cause brown stains on any surface it comes into contact with e.g. clothing, tarmac drives, paving, decking and kitchen floors.

Do not walk on the treated area and keep children and pets away from the area until the product is thoroughly watered in and the grass is completely dry to stop it transferring onto other surfaces. Sweep up any spillages and dispose of carefully.

Watering in: If no rain falls within 2 days, water the lawn thoroughly so that the lawn food starts to work.

Mowing: Avoid mowing the lawn 2-3 days before and after treatment.

Always read the label and product information before use.