Stop ants in their tracks with this precision nozzle formula.
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Consisting of a sugary bait specially formulated to appeal to ants, this ant killer liquid helps
AntClear Ant Control Bait Station destroys ants and their nests by being lured into the bait stat
This fast acting and effective spray controls ants, cockroaches, fleas and bedbugs, killing on co
Kills flies, wasps, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants & more Rapid kill & lasting protection
These two reusable bait stations can treat 8-10 nests each.
AntClearT Ant Control Spray kills ants within minutes after application when sprayed directly on
This fast acting and effective powder helps control common blacks ants in and around the home.
This pre-baited station is clean and simple to use.
Doff Crack and Crevice Ant Powder is an insecticide powder for use against ants, cockroaches, ear
Suitable for application time all year round, Doff Ant Killer is an insecticide powder for use ag
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm
Sunday 9:30am to 1:30pm
Tel: 02380 891208